How to Build, Engage and Monetize an Owned Audience

Learn how to build a loyal online audience by establishing trust, leveraging social media, and producing high-quality content that drives engagement and monetization. Explore the strategies and tactics for building a proprietary brand and community.

Key takeaways
  • Build a value proposition that establishes trust and connection with the audience.
  • Leverage rented channels, such as social media, to engage the audience, but intentionally rebuild the connection and relationship.
  • Focus on owned media, building a proprietary audience and brand through content and community.
  • Use short form video clips to drive engagement and reach a broader audience.
  • Create exclusive content for members of the community, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Produce content in an authentic, high-quality manner, rather than trying to optimize for search algorithms.
  • Engage with the audience through live streams and Q&A sessions.
  • Build a software platform to support the owned media strategy.
  • Prioritize building a relational, community-led approach to marketing, rather than relying on rented channels or transactional tactics.
  • Focus on building a proprietary audience and brand, rather than trying to capture attention through fleeting, surface-level content.
  • Use first-party data and feedback to inform the marketing strategy.
  • Create a content calendar and stick to it, rather than trying to post too much or too little.
  • Use a mix of formats, including video, text, and images, to keep the content fresh and engaging.
  • Build a community around the brand, using content to drive interest and engagement.
  • Focus on building a loyal, subscribed audience, rather than trying to capture one-time attention.
  • Use membership sites and subscriptions to build a community and incentivize engagement.
  • Prioritize building a brand that is authentic, transparent, and committed to its audience, rather than trying to manipulate the audience through tactics.