Entering the Web3 Space: A Guide for Big Brands. Fireside w/ Artūrs Garais & Aléksa Mil

"Join Artūrs Garais and Aléksa Mil for a fireside chat as they provide a comprehensive guide for big brands entering the Web3 space, covering audience understanding, tokenization, decentralized wallets, and more."

Key takeaways
  • To enter the Web3 space, big brands need to understand their target audience and value proposition.
  • There are limitations to tokenization due to regulations and lack of utility.
  • Decentralized wallets hold the key to proper Web3, as users are responsible for their assets.
  • Loyalty programs can be tokenized, enabling customers to redeem rewards and fostering community engagement.
  • Partnerships and utility are crucial for success in the Web3 space.
  • Blockchain and GDPR create challenges for brands, requiring careful management of customer data.
  • The community is essential in Web3, and brands need to engage with their customers to build loyalty and value.
  • Web3 projects need to educate their customers on the benefits of the technology.
  • Infrastructure and partnerships are necessary for the adoption of Web3.
  • Loyalty programs can be transferred, providing additional revenue streams and benefits.
  • Customers want to be recognized for their loyalty and value.
  • The Web3 space is subject to rapid change, and brands must be adaptable to stay ahead.
  • Transparency and trust are essential for successful partnerships in Web3.
  • Interoperability is crucial for the growth of the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Regulation and compliance are vital for the development of the Web3 industry.
  • Utility and value are critical for the adoption of Web3 technology.
  • Data management is a significant challenge in Web3, and solutions are being developed to mitigate this issue.
  • Education and community engagement are key to building a successful Web3 brand.