Open Source is Good for Business - Lorna Jane Mitchell - PHP UK 2022

"Discover how embracing open source can benefit your business, from fostering innovation and progress to promoting a culture of collaboration and giving back to the community."

Key takeaways
  • Open source is not just about code, but about freedom and collaboration.
  • Open source projects can bring people and organizations together, fostering innovation and progress.
  • Businesses can benefit from open source by contributing to and using open source projects, gaining access to diverse perspectives, expertise, and innovative solutions.
  • Businesses can also promote a culture of open source and innovation within their organizations, encouraging employees to contribute and participate in open source projects.
  • Maintainers of open source projects should not be burdened with answering all questions and fixing all issues, and businesses should be more proactive in supporting and contributing to open source projects.
  • Open source is not just about fixing bugs, but about building a community and sharing knowledge and expertise.
  • Businesses can support open source by creating and sharing resources, such as documentation, tooling, and infrastructure, and by providing funding and support for open source projects.
  • Open source projects can be a great way for businesses to give back to the community and to support innovation and progress.
  • Businesses can also benefit from open source by participating in open source communities and collaborating with other organizations and individuals.
  • Open source is a powerful tool for innovation and progress, and businesses can play an important role in its development and maintenance.
  • Open source is not a zero-sum game, where one party gains at the expense of another, but rather a collaborative effort that benefits all parties involved.
  • Businesses can also promote a culture of open source and innovation by providing resources and support for open source projects, such as funding, infrastructure, and expertise.
  • Open source is a way for businesses to be part of something bigger than themselves, and to contribute to the greater good.