The Mystical Nature of Open Source Marketing - Swarna Podia

Discover the mystical nature of open source marketing and learn how to succeed in this dual-world of community engagement and revenue generation. Explore the differences in marketing strategies, goals, and metrics for open source and enterprise projects.

Key takeaways
  • Marketing strategy needs clarity on priorities, either open source success or enterprise success.
  • Open source marketing journey consists of awareness, consideration, and decision stages, with metrics such as project downloads, GitHub stars, and community growth.
  • Enterprise marketing journey is focused on revenue contribution, with metrics such as lead generation, conversion rates, and sales qualified leads.
  • Collaboration between open source and enterprise marketing teams is crucial to avoid overlap and confusion.
  • Developing a strong open source journey with metrics and feedback can help drive community growth and adoption.
  • Enterprise marketing goals may focus on supporting the sales team and building revenue, while open source marketing goals may focus on growing the project and its community.
  • Each stage of the marketing funnel has its own KPIs and goals, and most times, there are one or two teams that drive each of these stages.
  • Metrics such as lead generation, conversion rates, and sales qualified leads are important for measuring enterprise marketing success.
  • Open source marketing success can also be measured by factors such as project downloads, GitHub stars, and community growth.
  • Understanding the starting point and knowing the audience is important for the marketing journey.
  • Collaboration and understanding are key to avoiding confusion and overlap between open source and enterprise marketing teams and priorities.
  • Developers, engineers, and open source community members can act as product marketers, technical marketers, or community managers.
  • Open source marketing can focus on growing the project and its community, while enterprise marketing can focus on supporting the sales team and building revenue.