The evolution of a Django Website into a radio automation back-end

Discover how a Django website evolved into a radio automation backend, simplifying a complex system and tackling time-slot collisions, with the goal of releasing the first beta in 2024 and deploying at Radio Orange and Radio Helsinki.

Key takeaways
  • The talk is about the evolution of a Django website into a radio automation backend, with a goal of simplifying a complex system.
  • The speaker shares their experience working for Radio Horizon King Graz, which has a history of broadcasting without a license until 1997.
  • The radio station supported around 120 shows, and a major headache was the detection and solution of time-slot collisions.
  • The original solution was managed through an admin interface, but this led to complexity and growth to 1300 lines of code.
  • The project Aura aimed to create a new open-source software suite to tackle requirements common to all free radios.
  • The Aura system is designed with a distributed architecture to avoid limitations, and includes components such as steering, tank, and engine.
  • The steering component provides a REST API and manages the program, while the tank stores the playlist and media.
  • The engine is responsible for playing media and switching between sources or studios.
  • The talk highlights the challenges in developing a radio automation system, including the detection and solution of time-slot collisions, and the need for a modular and scalable solution.
  • The Aura system has made significant progress, with the goal of releasing the first beta in 2024.
  • The system will be deployed at Radio Orange in Vienna and Radio Helsinki in Graz.
  • The talk concludes with a quote emphasizing the importance of collaboration and innovation in the development of the Aura system.