Cloud-Native Observability with OpenTelemetry - Austin Parker

Learn how to achieve cloud-native observability with OpenTelemetry, a merger of OpenTracing and OpenCensus, providing standards for telemetry data, context-aware tools, and practices for operationalizing data.

Key takeaways
  • Observability is essential for cloud-native developers, as it helps to fix problems in systems understanding and software.
  • OpenTelemetry is a merger of OpenTracing and OpenCensus, managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and provides standards for telemetry data, context-aware observability tools, and practices for operationalizing that data.
  • Instruments can be configured to record telemetry data, which can be used to identify bottlenecks, errors, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Span propagation is how context gets passed between services.
  • Aggregate trace analysis can be used to analyze and understand complex systems.
  • OpenTelemetry provides out-of-the-box instrumentation for languages such as Java, Node.js, Python, and Go.
  • Use of OpenTelemetry for automated instrumentation and tracing can help to future-proof applications.
  • Features such as error handling, profiling, sampling, and/event detection can be useful for developers.
  • Tracing becomes cool when using distributed context-aware logging with propagators and trace context.
  • OpenTelemetry is an open-source project and has a large contributor community.
  • OpenTelemetry supports both batch and streaming data ingestion.
  • The OpenTelemetry API lets developers do more than just basic tracing.
  • OpenTelemetry supports custom metrics and uses OTEL Protocol (OTLP) for data transmission.
  • Cloud-based services like AWS Lambda can be instrumented with OpenTelemetry.
  • The OpenTelemetry collector can be configured to tag spans based on Kubernetes resources.
  • Observability helps to fix problems in systems understanding and software.
  • Propagators are used to propagate context between services.