Unconference - Stream 1 - 14:30-15:30 - PGCon 2022

Explore standardized PostgreSQL metrics for performance tracking and discover the need for a flexible and scalable solution.

Key takeaways
  • The importance of having a standard set of metrics for monitoring a PostgreSQL database, allowing for easy tracking and visualization of performance.
  • The challenge of integrating PostgreSQL metrics with existing monitoring systems, requiring custom queries and configuration.
  • The potential for PostgreSQL to natively support Prometheus or OpenMetrics, making it easier to integrate with monitoring systems.
  • The need for a flexible and extensible solution for collecting and presenting PostgreSQL metrics.
  • The value of having a standardized set of metrics for PostgreSQL, allowing for easy comparison and analysis across different systems and environments.
  • The potential for PostgreSQL to integrate with service discovery layers, such as Prometheus, to provide automated monitoring and alerting.
  • The importance of considering the complexity and scalability of the solution, particularly for large-scale PostgreSQL deployments.
  • The potential for PostgreSQL to support eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) for kernel-level monitoring and data collection.
  • The need for a clear and consistent API for collecting and presenting PostgreSQL metrics, to make it easier for developers to integrate with monitoring systems.
  • The potential for PostgreSQL to support native metric collection and publication, allowing for more efficient and scalable monitoring.
  • The importance of considering the trade-offs between custom queries and built-in support for metrics, particularly in terms of performance and scalability.