WebSockets, Serverless and Scale? Oh my! with Jo Franchetti

Explore the intersection of WebSockets, serverless computing, and scale with Jo Franchetti, as she reveals the benefits of serverless WebSockets for real-time capabilities and large-scale applications.

Key takeaways
  • WebSockets allow for bi-directional, real-time communication between a client and a server, establishing a persistent connection.
  • Serverless computing allows for outsourcing engineering overhead, scaling, and maintenance of servers, enabling developers to focus on their core products.
  • WebSockets can be used for real-time capabilities, such as collaborative editing, delivery tracking, and trajectory planning.
  • Serverless WebSockets provide scalability, fault tolerance, and global distribution, making them suitable for large-scale, high-traffic applications.
  • Serverless computing allows for elastic scaling, paying only for what’s used, and eliminating the need for provisioning, patching, and managing servers.
  • Real-time capabilities can be achieved using Ably, a platform that provides serverless WebSockets and ephemeral communication.
  • Serverless WebSockets offload the complexity of managing connections, scaling, and presence data to the cloud provider.
  • Use cases for serverless WebSockets include chat apps, multiplayer games, and real-time dashboards.
  • Ably’s serverless WebSockets solution allows for easy deployment, scalability, and global distribution.
  • The benefits of serverless WebSockets include reduced architectural and engineering complexity, easier scaling, and less maintenance.
  • WebSockets can be used for stream-based data transfer, allowing for real-time updates and synchronization.