Tutorials - Ted Patrick: Writing Serverless Python Web Apps with PyScript

Unlock the power of serverless Python web development with PyScript, combining the strengths of Python and JavaScript, while overcoming challenges and leveraging innovations in NumPy, MicroPython, and Wasm.

Key takeaways
  • PyScript combines Python and JavaScript, allowing developers to leverage the strengths of both languages.
  • Writing serverless Python web apps using PyScript is exciting, but it still needs to overcome some challenges.
  • Choose a file to work with (e.g., a chess board). Specify the two folder keys when using PyScript.
  • PyConfig is used to define the environment, with toml being the default configuration file type.
  • Plugins can change behavior within PyScript, and users are free to contribute to the project.
  • Currently, PyScript supports building applications using NumPy, and will soon support MicroPython.
  • Two runtimes are supported, each built upon Wasm. This will allow for better sandboxing code.
  • Plugins can change the rendering of subdomains and URLs, granting more control over data.
  • Code can be executed in a Pythonic fashion, allowing for seamless interaction.
  • PyScript has been very popular, but still lacks transparency in its development.
  • There may be a future where Python, JavaScript, and Wasm align more closely.
  • Some core configurations depend on the type of wheel chosen.
  • PyScript has both a Pythonic and JavaScript front-end, allowing for more flexibility.

Note: Some of these points may be inferred from the text rather than explicitly stated.