Ship your UI faster with Turborepo - Anthony Shew, DevOps.js Conference 2024

Learn how to rapidly ship your UI with TurboRepo, a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript, at the DevOps.js Conference 2024.

Key takeaways
  • Turbo Repo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript, designed for monorepos.
  • It incremental builds and uses remote caching to speed up build times.
  • Turbo Repo’s architecture is designed to be distributed, allowing it to take advantage of multiple machines and CPUs.
  • It provides a set of defaults and conventions that can be overridden, and supports multiple versions of dependencies.
  • Turbo Repo is designed to work with web frameworks such as Next.js, and provides a set of plugins and integrations for popular tools.
  • It provides a caching system that can be used to speed up build and development times, and includes features such as incremental building and remote caching.
  • Turbo Repo is designed to be easy to use and integrate with existing workflows, and provides a set of tools and integrations for popular CI/CD systems.
  • It provides a set of features to automate and optimize development and build processes, such as automatic code linting and testing.
  • Turbo Repo is designed to provide a fast and consistent development experience, even at scale.
  • It provides a set of tools and integrations for building and deploying applications, such as support for Webpack and Next.js.
  • Turbo Repo is designed to be extensible and customizable, and provides a set of APIs and hooks for integrating with other tools and systems.