RubyConf 2023 - Keynote by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto

Join Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto for a keynote on the future of RubyConf 2023, exploring the importance of community involvement, simplicity, and agility in a fast-evolving language.

Key takeaways
  • The simplicity of a language is not enough to ensure its success, and its users’ motivation and passion are equally important.
  • The Ruby programming language still has a lot of potential for growth and improvement.
  • The author, Matz, wants to keep Ruby a community-driven language with a focus on simplicity and agility.
  • The rubyconf 2023 keynote emphasizes the importance of community involvement and keeping the language alive and thriving.
  • The simplicity and agility of Ruby are advantages, but the language can be improved further.
  • Keeping the language compatible with past versions and not introducing major changes will help keep the community engaged.
  • The future of Ruby will involve embracing concurrency and parallel processing.
  • The author’s goal is to continue improving the language and making it more accessible to new programmers.
  • Adding static typing to the language could be beneficial, but it should be implemented carefully to avoid overwhelming users.
  • Ruby’s strong supporters, including Shopify and Basecamp, are crucial to its continued success.
  • The simplicity of the language can be an advantage, as it allows users to focus on programming.
  • The future of Ruby will involve using Wasm to make the language run faster.
  • Keeping the birthday of the language is important, as it signifies the community’s love for programming.
  • The author believes that there will be a smaller version of the language that is more suitable for the future, and hopes that the community will continue to evolve with it.
  • The language’s history and evolution are crucial to its continued success.
  • The author wants to retire soon and have a successor take over the role.
  • The language’s simplicity and agility are advantages that set it apart from other languages.