How to Get Started With Process Automation • Bernd Rücker & Richard Seroter

Discover the essentials of process automation and learn how to get started with examples, best practices, and expert tips from Bernd Rücker and Richard Seroter.

Key takeaways
  • Use cases for process automation:
    • Order fulfillment
    • Onboarding process
    • Business process improvement
  • Importance of business analysts in process automation:
    • Provide domain expertise
    • Ensure process alignment with business strategy
  • Key concepts:
    • Event-driven architecture
    • Microservices
    • Business process modeling language (BPMN)
  • Anti-patterns:
    • Over-engineering
    • Over-complexity
    • Lack of domain expertise
  • Importance of simplicity:
    • Focus on business value
    • Simplify technology stack
  • Importance of flexibility:
    • Adaptable systems
    • Event-driven architecture
  • Common pain points:
    • Integration with existing systems
    • Difficulty in tracking business metrics
  • Importance of metrics:
    • Measure business value
    • Identify areas for improvement
  • Importance of collaboration:
    • Between developers and business analysts
    • Between different teams and departments
  • Importance of getting started:
    • Start with a small project
    • Focus on a specific use case
    • Use open-source tools and libraries
  • Importance of learning:
    • Read books and articles
    • Attend conferences and meetups
    • Join online communities and forums