The 7 Pillar Developer โ€“ Cory House

Discover the 7 Pillars of a successful developer career, from understanding psychology and setting focus to cultivating a purpose and surrounding yourself with support, at this comprehensive conference talk.

Key takeaways
  • Develop the 7 Pillars of a Developer Career: Psychology, Focus, Education, Image, Systems, Conversation, and Purpose.
  • Understand Psychology: Develop a growth mindset, focus on happiness, and cultivate a sense of purpose.
  • Set Focus: Identify what you want to be exceptional at, recognize success, and define your career goals.
  • Continuously Learn and Improve: Make learning a daily habit, stay curious, and adapt to new technologies and trends.
  • Develop Your Image: Increase your luck surface area by doing things that make you stand out, and cultivate a professional online presence.
  • Create Systems: Build a system for processing and storing data, and establish a routine for daily learning and self-improvement.
  • Conversations Matter: Engage in conversations that foster trust, understanding, and cooperation, and be prepared to share your knowledge and expertise.
  • Purpose Drives Success: Identify what drives you, set goals that align with your purpose, and make decisions that support your goals.
  • Realize the Importance of Focus: Focus on what matters most, and be willing to say no to distractions and procrastination.
  • Learning from Failure: Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and recognize that every failure is a step towards success.
  • Surround Yourself with Support: Find people who share your values and interests, and engage in communities that foster learning and growth.
  • Make Self-Care a Priority: Prioritize self-care, manage stress, and cultivate a sense of well-being and fulfillment.
  • Stay Curious and Keep Growing: Continuously seek knowledge and wisdom, and stay curious about the world around you.