Mert Bozkir - Open-source contribution: the new way to build your portfolio! | PyData Global 2023

Build a standout portfolio by contributing to open-source projects, showcasing unique perspectives and experiences, and connecting with others in the tech industry.

Key takeaways
  • People should build their own portfolio, not rely on school or a degree, to stand out in the job market.
  • Contributing to open-source projects is a great way to build a portfolio and network.
  • Authenticity is key, as unique perspectives and experiences can help individuals stand out.
  • Fear of judgment and imposter syndrome can hold people back, but taking the leap and building a portfolio can lead to more job opportunities.
  • The author recommends participating in hackathons, building projects with hobbies, and sharing online.
  • A portfolio should be built on personal interests and genuine experiences, not just trying to fit in with others.
  • Networking and connecting with others is important, but one should give more than take.
  • Build relationships, take risks, and don’t be afraid to try new things.
  • Even if you’re not good at coding, there are many ways to contribute to open-source projects, such as documentations, design, and non-technical aspects.
  • A cover video can be a great way to stand out and showcase one’s work.
  • The author is a fan of LabLab AI and Devpost, two platforms for open-source projects.
  • Building a portfolio is not just about coding, but also creating a unique and remarkable perspective.
  • Aim for growth, not just fixing mindset.
  • Learn from others, get feedback, and persist in building a portfolio.
  • Contribute to open-source projects and help others, even if it seems daunting or hard to do at first.