What you can learn from an open-source project with 300 million downloads - Dennis Doomen

Learn from the author's open-source project with 300 million downloads, covering best practices for code quality, consistency, testing, and community involvement, with insights on tools, plugins, and dotnet.

Key takeaways
  • Don’t write release notes, but can automatically generate via build pipelines.
  • SemVer is used for versioning, with major changes indicating breaking changes.
  • Use of get infections, git-flow, and Semantic Versioning for versioning and branching.
  • Consistency in codebase is key, with deliberate decisions recorded.
  • Prefer BDD style testing framework for clarity.
  • Mutation testing and code coverage are important for quality.
  • Use of open-source libraries can benefit from public contribution.
  • The author’s project has over 300 million downloads.
  • It takes a team to create a good software, including architecture and testing.
  • Code quality and consistency are important, with guidelines dispensed for dotnet and other programming languages.
  • The author is still learning and tries to stay up to date with new developments.
  • Prefer open-source and share knowledge and experiences openly.
  • Looks for versatility and simplicity in tools and code.
  • SPH is not the end all and be all.
  • It is important to show respect and dignity when reviewing code.
  • People may have differing opinions on how to do things, and that’s okay.
  • Written in dotnet specifically, this seems to be the target of the talk.
  • The author advocates for using tools and plugins to improve code quality.
  • Code should be self-assessing, through midterm attribute.
  • Respect code review and subsequent feedback.
  • One should be careful when making changes, as they can impact many parts of the codebase.
  • All in all, this talk stresses the importance of community involvement, code quality, testing, and clear guidelines.