Contributing to Django or how I learned to stop worrying and just try to fix an ORM Bug Ryan Cheley

Learn how to contribute to Django and overcome the fear of fixing an ORM bug by breaking down problems, documenting the process, and seeking help from the community.

Key takeaways
  • Contributing to open-source projects, or any project for that matter, is a way to learn and improve skills, and it’s okay to not be an expert.
  • When facing a problem, break it down into smaller parts, and replicate the issue to better understand the problem.
  • Use public notes to document the process of solving a problem, and include the steps taken to solve it.
  • The Django ORM can seem overwhelming, but understanding its structure and how it works can help in solving problems.
  • It’s a good idea to test the code and read the relevant documentation to better understand the functionality.
  • Contributing to open-source projects involves working with others, and communicating effectively is key.
  • When working on a ticket, test the code and test suite to ensure the fix is correct and doesn’t break anything else.
  • It’s okay to ask for help and guidance when needed, and seeking feedback from others can improve the outcome.
  • The community wants you to succeed and learn from your experiences.
  • Trying to fix a bug in an open-source project can be challenging, but the experience can be rewarding and help improve skills.