Business Growth Through Founder Self-Discovery. Panel moderated by Elizabeth Varley

Discover how founder self-discovery drives business growth through delegation, self-care, and vulnerability.

Key takeaways
  • People delegate behaviors and don’t let others make decisions.
  • Delegating is important for founder self-discovery and growth.
  • It’s okay to have a gut feel and admit it.
  • Listening to others and valuing their opinions is important.
  • Delegating means giving others control and trust.
  • People should prioritize their own self-discovery and growth.
  • Founders should be open to feedback and learning from others.
  • A good process is important, but not at the expense of people and relationships.
  • People should prioritize their own well-being and take care of themselves.
  • Self-discovery is a continuous process and requires vulnerability.
  • Founders should be comfortable with uncertainty and take calculated risks.
  • Emotional intelligence and self-awareness are important for leadership.
  • Open communication and conflict resolution are important for team success.
  • Founders should be able to admit when they’re wrong and learn from mistakes.
  • Trust and empowerment are important for team members to thrive.
  • Coaching and mentorship can be valuable for founders and their teams.
  • Business growth is not just about results, but also about people and relationships.
  • Founders should prioritize their own personal growth and self-care.
  • Vulnerability and honesty are important for founders and their teams.