A journey from Developer to Manager

A developer's path to management: learn how to build trust, foster open communication, and overcome biases to create a positive and productive work environment.

Key takeaways
  • Be a good listener and acknowledge biases in yourself and others to build trust and foster open communication
  • Collaboration is key to solving problems, and acknowledging gaps in understanding is necessary to drive towards a solution
  • As a manager, it’s important to recognize and overcome biases to make informed decisions and create a safe and open work environment
  • Developing talent and fostering growth mindsets is crucial for personal and professional growth
  • Recognizing and addressing biases in others is easier than recognizing biases in yourself, but acknowledging them is the first step to overcoming them
  • Being a good manager is hard work and requires effort to build and sustain relationships, trust, and psychological safety
  • Feedback is crucial for growth and development, and soliciting feedback is important for managers to hear different perspectives and plan for change
  • Platonic relationships are important for managers to build and maintain, as they provide a source of energy and motivation
  • Managing people is a source of energy for many managers, and taking the time to understand and address biases is necessary to create a positive and productive work environment
  • Having a growth mindset is important for both personal and professional growth, and it’s crucial to recognize and overcome biases to develop this mindset
  • Mentors and peers can be valuable resources for managers to learn from and grow; it’s important to find people who can provide honest feedback and guidance
  • Building trust takes time and effort, and it’s important to be genuine and authentic in all interactions to build and maintain strong relationships.