How to really work as a team- from sleepy to strong pair programming - Stacy Cashmore - PHP UK 2022

Discover the secrets to effective pair programming, from team building to communication, trust, and psychological safety, in this exciting talk by Stacy Cashmore at PHP UK 2022.

Key takeaways
  • Pairing at lunchtime does not help with sleepy pairing
  • Resiliency in teams is a problem, where one person has their own set of stories and doesn’t help others
  • Effective communication is key to pair programming, but can be difficult when working remotely
  • People struggle to stay awake during pairing, even with breaks and activities to keep them engaged
  • Psychological safety is important for pair programming, as team members need to feel comfortable sharing knowledge and ideas
  • A junior developer can learn a lot from pairing with a more experienced developer
  • A “type” of pairing exists, where the navigator gives instructions and the driver types them in, which can be efficient but lacks understanding
  • Scrum and pair programming can be combined to improve team efficiency and reduce problems
  • Communication and collaboration are essential for pair programming to work effectively
  • Psychological safety and trust are necessary for team members to work together effectively
  • People are resistant to change and may struggle to adopt pair programming
  • A senior developer needs to be willing to learn and take the lead in pairing to overcome resistance
  • Live Share, a tool that allows multiple developers to share code, can be helpful in pair programming
  • Switching roles in pairing, known as “typing and navigation,” can help keep the pair engaged and working together effectively
  • Communication is key in pair programming, and a good listener is essential
  • Psychological safety can be built by creating a culture of respect and trust within a team
  • Junior developers can benefit from pairing with a senior developer to learn new skills and gain experience
  • Pair programming can be more effective when team members are co-located, but can also be done remotely with the right tools and mindset