How to Create and Grow AI Ecosystems | Panel | Rise of AI Conference 2023


Join a panel discussion on creating and growing AI ecosystems, covering topics such as collaboration, regulation, European innovation, and more, to foster progress and growth in the AI industry.

Key takeaways
  • Maximize the output of the AI ecosystem: Focus on collaboration, entrepreneurship, and innovation to foster growth and progress.
  • Regulation is a challenge: Strive for a balance between innovation and regulation to avoid stifling progress.
  • European ecosystem needs improvement: Leverage venture capital, startups, and academia to create a more attractive ecosystem and encourage growth.
  • Collaboration is key: Encourage knowledge sharing, feedback, and exchange between parties to build a successful ecosystem.
  • Role models matter: Share success stories and create role models to inspire others and foster a culture of entrepreneurship.
  • Global approach needed: Embrace a global approach to AI to stay competitive and share knowledge and expertise.
  • Ecosystem growth is important: Focus on building a robust ecosystem with a high number of startups, venture capital, and innovations.
  • Innovation in Europe: Create a more enabling environment for innovation in Europe through policy changes and investments.
  • Encourage AI adoption: Work towards increasing AI adoption and use in Europe through education, training, and outreach programs.
  • Foster cross-border collaboration: Encourage collaboration between academics, startups, and industries to drive innovation and growth.
  • Culture of failure: Embrace failure as a necessary step towards progress and innovation.
  • AI for good or impact: Focus on using AI for positive impact and to address societal challenges.
  • Build on existing research: Leverage existing research and develop new innovations to stay competitive and drive progress.
  • Keep it simple: Focus on simplicity and make AI accessible to a wider audience to drive adoption and growth.