Exit plans and how to talk about them | David Kiger at LeadDev London 2023

Learn how to navigate the often-taboo topic of exit plans and increase trust with your team members. This talk covers best practices for discussing exit plans, acknowledging attrition, and prioritizing employee happiness and job satisfaction.

Key takeaways
  • Consider having one-on-one conversations with team members about their exit plans to reduce surprises and increase trust.
  • Companies should acknowledge that attrition rates will inevitably arise and plan accordingly.
  • It’s normal for team members to leave the company, and it’s not necessarily a failure if they do.
  • Manually suggesting an exit plan and making it an open conversation can lead to more positive outcomes, such as the person staying on longer or transitioning more smoothly.
  • People will quit regardless of the company, so it’s important to focus on building a high-trust environment and having open conversations about exit plans.
  • The macro environment and company pressures should not dictate how team members feel about leaving, and managers should prioritize employee happiness and job satisfaction over company needs.
  • Having these conversations can also help retain employees, as they feel heard and supported.
  • It’s crucial to address the fears and concerns of team members when discussing exit plans, as they may worry about being replaced, feeling pressured, or being singled out.
  • The topic of exit plans is often difficult, but it’s essential to have open and honest conversations to mitigate resistance and increase trust.
  • Companies should not only focus on retaining employees but also ensure that they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and job satisfaction to thrive in their roles.
  • It’s vital to reach out to team members who have left the company to gather feedback and use it to improve exit conversations.