Facundo Giuliani - Personalization The Art of Offering Custom Experiences

Discover the art of offering custom experiences through personalization, exploring explicit, implicit, and seamless methods, and how React libraries like Storyblock can help achieve tailored content for your users.

Key takeaways
  • We should aim to offer custom experiences to our users by using personalization.
  • We can start by collecting data from our visitors and identifying user profiles.
  • NodeConf Argentina is a conference organized by React Buenos Aires.
  • Facundo is interested in purchasing Christmas gifts.
  • There are different types of web personalization: explicit, implicit, and seamless.
  • Explicit personalization involves offering customized content based on user preferences.
  • Implicit personalization involves offering customized content based on user behavior.
  • Seamless personalization involves offering customized content based on the type of product or service being offered.
  • Facundo can see content based on where he lives and what he has purchased before.
  • We can use the Storyblock React library to create personalized content.
  • Storyblock is a headless content management system.
  • We can nest components in Storyblock to create a nested architecture.
  • We should set our goals before implementing a personalization campaign.
  • The retention of visitors to our website can be increased by offering personalized content.
  • A/B testing can be used to test personalization campaigns and see how they perform.
  • The explicit personalization involves offering customized content based on data.
  • Storyblock allows us to create real-time visual editors for our projects.
  • There are different types of content in Storyblock: blocks and components.
  • Components can be nested inside each other in Storyblock.
  • Remix is a tool that allows us to render dynamic routes and catch groups of routes.
  • Remix can be used to render nested routes in a project.
  • A cookie can be used to store the type of user in a project.
  • Remix can be used to render dynamic routes with a real-time visual editor.
  • Remix allows us to create a real-time visual editing experience.
  • Storyblock has different libraries that can be used for different projects.
  • There are different types of campaigns that we can use to implement personalization.