Future Proof your company by effectively scaling engineering | Jennifer Wadella | ng-conf 2022

Learn how to future proof your company by scaling engineering teams effectively, discovering skill gaps, sharing knowledge, and fostering a culture of growth, mentorship, and continuous improvement.

Key takeaways
  • Learn to spot skill gaps in engineering teams by understanding individual contributor knowledge levels.
  • Create a growth environment where knowledge is shared and promoted, and coaches junior team members.
  • Fix project management, it’s crucial for understanding developer productivity.
  • Use PRs not only for merging code but also for knowledge sharing and documentation.
  • Promote and encourage question asking, as it helps to build a culture of knowledge sharing and reduces errors.
  • Create processes to spot skill gaps and offer training to fill them.
  • Utilize junior candidates to grow existing engineers, it’s a great way to spread knowledge and create a growth environment.
  • Foster a culture of active mentoring and use knowledge sharing sessions to grow junior engineers.
  • Encourage knowledge sharing, so developers can learn from each other, this reduces the load on senior developers and promotes growth.
  • Create a habit of opening PRs, committing often, and making code review a continuous process.
  • Make project management the responsibility of the engineering team, don’t let it be handled by other departments.
  • Consider hiring senior Angular engineers, they can help teach junior developers and grow the team.
  • Take time to educate junior team members, don’t assume they already know the answers.
  • Create a mentorship program where junior developers are guided by senior developers.
  • Prioritize knowledge sharing and growth within the team.