Mindful Growth and Profitability: Lessons from Venture-Backed Companies. Moderated by Eva Arh / 3VC

Join Eva Arh as she moderates a conversation with venture-backed companies on mindful growth and profitability, sharing lessons on prioritizing growth mindset, adaptability, and decision-making to achieve success.

Key takeaways
  • Starting a venture-backed company means accepting the possibility of losing money initially and being honest about performance.
  • It’s essential to prioritize growth mindset and adapt to changes in the market.
  • Focus on product development and customer satisfaction, rather than just trying to raise money.
  • Communication with the team and investors is crucial, especially during challenging times.
  • Being adaptable and willing to make difficult decisions helps to avoid getting stuck in situations that may not work out.
  • Regularly reassessing priorities and goals is important to remain focused on what matters most.
  • Bootstrap your business until the market is ready to support scaling.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail and use that as an opportunity to learn and adjust.
  • Prioritize profitability and adjust strategies as needed.
  • Consider custom solutions for your company, rather than trying to fit into predetermined models.
  • Keep in mind that the market is constantly changing and be prepared to adapt.
  • Focus on execution rather than just an idea.
  • Keep in mind that the journey is more important than the outcome.
  • Don’t get too comfortable and stay hungry. Keep seeking opportunities to grow.