S1E2: "Software engineering is like a character-building video game" with Nick Means

Join Nick Means to explore how great engineering leadership creates autonomous teams through coaching, storytelling & psychological safety - like leveling up in a video game.

Key takeaways
  • Software engineering leadership is about creating space for autonomy and letting teams self-organize, while providing coaching and guidance rather than direct control

  • One-on-one meetings are critical for engineering managers - they’re an essential coaching tool that helps develop people and shouldn’t be considered optional

  • When hiring, focus more on behavioral interviewing and looking for autonomy, grit, and curiosity rather than technical puzzles or algorithm challenges

  • Storytelling is a crucial skill for engineering leaders to help teams understand product vision, customer needs, and organizational direction

  • Creating psychological safety and treating “failures” as learning opportunities is essential for building high-performing engineering teams

  • Technical skills that come easily to engineers can be “superpowers” - help team members recognize and leverage their natural capabilities

  • In startup environments, leaders need to balance wearing many hats while gradually working themselves out of hands-on roles to focus on higher leverage activities

  • Building autonomous engineering cultures requires giving people space to experiment, take on leadership opportunities, and make (safe) mistakes

  • AI/ML initiatives require different skill sets than traditional software - focus on data expertise, QA approaches, and cost management

  • The best managers provide trust and autonomy while remaining available for guidance and support when needed