Diversity in Tech: Hiring for and Building an Inclusive Culture

Foster a culture of belonging, prioritize equity, and track progress to create a diverse and inclusive work environment through targeted recruitment, employee resource groups, and unconscious bias training.

Key takeaways
  • Create an inclusive culture by fostering belonging and empathy, and recognizing that people may have different experiences and perspectives.
  • Hiring diverse teams is crucial, as is providing training and development opportunities, and ensuring equal opportunities for promotion and advancement.
  • Equity must be prioritized, as simply aiming for diversity may not address existing systemic issues.
  • Set specific and measurable diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals, and track progress and success.
  • Provide opportunities for professional growth and development, and create an environment where people feel valued and empowered to take risks.
  • Use a multifaceted approach to DEI, including targeted recruitment, mentorship programs, employee resource groups, and unconscious bias training.
  • Recognize the importance of inclusion and the need to create spaces where everyone feels welcome and valued.
  • Leverage technology to improve accessibility, diversity, and inclusion, and recognize that accessibility is a critical aspect of an inclusive culture.
  • Celebrate different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, and encourage people to share their stories and perspectives.
  • Consider the intersectionality of race, gender, and other factors that contribute to systemic inequalities.
  • Engage with the community and prioritize building relationships with diverse organizations and individuals.
  • Support DEI initiatives with metrics and measurement, and hold leadership accountable for their commitment to DEI.