LeadDev London 2022 Vitor Reis

Learn key strategies for technical leaders to drive success in fast-growing companies.

Key takeaways
  • Self-awareness is key to success in technical leadership roles, as it allows leaders to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.
  • In fast-growing companies, leaders should prioritize hiring, delegating tasks, and implementing agile practices to stay ahead of scaling demands.
  • When feeling overwhelmed, leaders should reflect on their time management and delegate tasks to free up time for strategic decision-making.
  • Being replaceable is a mindset that allows leaders to focus on growing their teams and empowering their members.
  • In scaling companies, leaders should anticipate and adapt to changing circumstances, such as shifting priorities and new joiners, to maintain stability and growth.
  • Effective communication is crucial in fast-paced environments, and leaders should prioritize it to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Scaling companies often experience chaos, but leaders should recognize that this is a normal part of the journey and adapt to the challenges.
  • Leaders should focus on building trust with their teams and empowering them to take ownership of tasks and responsibilities.
  • Being open to learning from others and seeking feedback is essential for leaders to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing demands.
  • In scaling companies, leaders should recognize that their role is not to do everything themselves, but to enable and empower others to take ownership and lead.