Lena Reinhard at LeadDev West Coast 2023

Measure team performance and efficiency with clear metrics, leading indicators, and regular progress tracking, as Lena Reinhard shares expert insights at LeadDev West Coast 2023.

Key takeaways
  • Use metrics to measure team performance and efficiency
  • Define clear metrics and involve others in the process
  • Focus on leading indicators, such as progress towards goals
  • Make metrics visible and trackable
  • Identify and prioritize goals and metrics for improvement
  • Invest time in strategy and planning to achieve goals
  • Speak with boss and team regularly to validate progress
  • Define how to measure progress and impact
  • Use a mix of leading and lagging indicators
  • Be efficient in using resources
  • Track and measure productivity
  • Set clear goals and metrics
  • Shift from vague goals to specific, measurable ones
  • Consider the broader impact on the business
  • Avoid metrics that are not specific or meaningful
  • Measure progress towards goals regularly
  • Prioritize and optimize goals and metrics for the organization