Reinforcement Learning: a gentle Introduction and industrial Application | Dr. Christian Hidber

Explore the world of reinforcement learning with Dr. Christian Hidber, covering basics, industrial applications, and a real-world case study demonstrating 93% success rate in hydrating system optimization.

Key takeaways
  • Reinforcement learning separates the policy from the learner, allowing for complex decision-making.
  • Implementing a policy requires initializing weights with random values and interacting with an environment.
  • Policy update involves calculating rewards, updating weights, and choosing the next action.
  • A neural network can be used to approximate the policy and value function.
  • Reinforcement learning can be applied to complex problems like hydrating systems, where a simulated game is created and the policy is learned through trial and error.
  • Traditional machine learning approaches were not effective for this problem, but reinforcement learning achieved a success rate of 93%.
  • The game state is represented as a vector, and the actions are encoded as a matrix or image.
  • Policy gradient algorithms, such as ProPlanner, can be used for this type of problem.
  • The learning rate can be adjusted to influence the pace of learning.
  • The reward function is critical in shaping the policy and guiding the agent’s behavior.
  • The reward function is designed to encourage the agent to win the game and avoid errors.
  • Softmax is used to convert the values to probabilities.
  • The child (learning algorithm) tries to avoid taking the same action again to reduce its probability.
  • The policy is updated after each game, and the neural network is used to store and retrieve the knowledge.
  • The policy is chosen by taking the action with the highest probability in each state.
  • The algorithm iterates through multiple games, updating the policy and weights after each game.
  • The For loop in the algorithm iterates through each step of the game, updating the total reward and policy.
  • The algorithm uses a combination of knowledge from the experts and random exploration to learn the optimal policy.
  • The learning rate can be adjusted to balance exploration and exploitation.

Note: These points are summarized from the provided transcript and may not be exhaustive or verbatim.