Adaptive Socio-Technical Systems with Architecture for Flow • Susanne Kaiser • YOW! 2023

Discover the secrets to creating agile socio-technical systems with architecture for flow, including bounded contexts, domain-driven design, and collaboration, to drive innovation and efficiency in your business.

Key takeaways
  • Adaptive socio-technical systems: Key to achieving high cohesion and loose coupling, enabling changes to be made safely and quickly.
  • Bounded contexts: Divide the system into smaller, well-defined modules with clear ownership, facilitating efficient communication and collaboration.
  • Domain-driven design: Helps to gain a shared understanding of the problem domain, identifying core domains and subdomains.
  • Climatic patterns: Represent external forces impacting the landscape, influencing evolution and change, including efficiency enabling innovation.
  • Efficiency gaps: Occur when tight change coupling is present, slowing down changes and limiting system responsiveness to change.
  • Platform teams: Facilitate collaboration, provide tools and services, and coach streamline teams.
  • Streamline teams: Focus on specific business goals, iterate quickly, and adapt to change.
  • Enabling teams: Provide coaching, training, and mentorship to streamline teams, bridging gaps in knowledge and skills.
  • Water maps: Visualized structures guiding optimization, enabling teams to understand dependencies and optimize system performance.
  • Context maps: Expose problematic dependencies, making change coupling visible, and facilitate understanding of bounded contexts.
  • Core domains: Essential part of the problem domain, providing competitive advantage and requiring protection from poorly designed upstream models.
  • Subdomains: Smaller parts of the problem domain, with varying levels of value to the business, requiring prioritization and strategic investment.
  • Collaboration: Critical for rapid discovery, iteration, and innovation, but should be limited to achieve efficiency.
  • Platform as a service: Enables streamline teams to consume services and focus on business goals.