Five Lines of Code • Christian Clausen & Kevlin Henney • GOTO 2023

Improve your coding skills and overcome fear and uncertainty with practical strategies for writing better code, including documenting, naming, invariants, and self-refactoring.

Key takeaways
  • Fear and uncertainty can hinder software development: Fear and uncertainty can create barriers to code improvement and understanding, leading to reluctance to make changes or refactor code.
  • Documentation and naming can be misused: Proper documentation and naming are crucial, but getters and setters are often misused, creating unnecessary complexity.
  • Invariants are crucial in code: Invariants are essential for maintaining code quality, stability, and refactoring.
  • Code organization is key: Effective code organization enables developers to understand code better and improves overall code quality.
  • Autonomous code change is challenging: Autonomous code change, i.e., code changing itself through automation, can be problematic if not done thoughtfully.
  • Incremental progress is important: Taking small, incremental steps is crucial in code improvement and refactoring to avoid overwhelming or disorienting oneself.
  • Context and understanding matter: Developers need to understand the code, its intent, and the context to make meaningful improvements and refactorings.
  • Practicing self-refactoring: Practicing self-refactoring through refactoring one’s own code is a valuable way to learn and improve development skills.
  • Avoiding mistakes through experience and education: Experience, education, and practicing self-refactoring can help developers avoid common pitfalls and develop better coding skills.
  • Knowledge and expertise evolve: Programming is a continually evolving field, and knowledge and expertise must evolve accordingly to stay ahead.
  • Code quality improvement is gradual: Code quality improvement is a gradual process, and small improvements can add up to make a significant impact over time.