Taking AI outside the chatbox


Explore the possibilities of large language models outside the chatbox, from practical applications to creative innovations, and discover the importance of empathy, emotional intelligence, and user intent in conversational AI.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker discusses the concept of “take AI outside the chatbox” and leveraging large language models (LLMs) in practical applications.
  • The idea of prompt engineering is introduced, where a new domain of expertise is emerging.
  • There is a need for a conversational UX that can understand conversational discoverability and provide suggestions.
  • The speaker highlights Khan Academy’s use of LLMs in their platform, allowing for more streamlined and efficient learning.
  • The concept of screens readers and accessibility is discussed, focusing on the importance of understanding and explaining visual content.
  • The speaker shares about hugging face and GitHub Copilot leveraging LLMs for various applications, with a focus on conversational AIs.
  • The idea of using structure data and pedagogical expertise with LLMs is explored, highlighting possibilities for more personalized learning and tutoring.
  • The speaker emphasizes the role of LLMs in understanding and acting on user intent, rather than simple keyword matching.
  • The concept of the “uncanny valley” is explored, where AI systems can be eerily close to human-like but lacking in emotional intelligence.
  • OpenAI’s API is mentioned for its potential in enabling more rapid prototyping and development.
  • The discussion touches on the importance of understanding tone, personality, and emotional intelligence when interacting with AI systems.
  • The importance of sharing knowledge and learning from experience is emphasized, with Khan Academy’s approach to sharing results and insights.
  • The speaker is inspired by the potential of LLMs for creative applications, such as art projects and music composition.
  • The concept of building a conversational AI that knows when to interrupt and provide suggestions based on user intent is explored.
  • Emotional intelligence and empathy are highlighted as necessary components for AI systems to effectively interact with users.
  • The speaker shares about the challenge of balancing the need for AI tools to be both powerful and accessible while also being mindful of the limitations.