Performance improvement of filtering foreign tables using subquery for PostgreSQL - Shigeo Hirose

Improve PostgreSQL performance by up to 50 times by optimizing filtering of foreign tables using subqueries, with a proposed solution and real-world testing results.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker’s goal is to improve the performance of filtering foreign tables using subqueries in PostgreSQL.
  • The problem is that current PostgreSQL does not execute subqueries efficiently, leading to slow performance.
  • The speaker proposes a solution to modify PostgreSQL to execute subqueries first and then use the results to filter the foreign tables.
  • The solution involves five steps: confirming the query, rewriting the query to use the subquery results, creating a plan based on the rewritten query, executing the plan, and returning the results to the user.
  • The speaker tested the solution using two data sources, each with a large amount of data, and found that the solution improved performance by up to 50 times.
  • The speaker also discusses the limitations of the current PostgreSQL implementation and the need for future improvements.
  • The speaker concludes by summarizing the main points of the talk and inviting feedback from the audience.