Why you should consider WebAssembly in your next Frontend Project | Håkan Silfvernagel

Discover the benefits of WebAssembly in your next frontend project, including near-native performance, small binary size, and memory safety, as well as its uses beyond just the web.

Key takeaways
  • WebAssembly is a low-level, binary format that can be compiled from high-level languages like C#, Rust, or TypeScript.
  • WebAssembly can run on the web, providing near-native performance and access to native APIs.
  • It’s not constrained to run only on the web, can also be used as a serverless application or with other platforms.
  • WebAssembly has a small binary size and is memory-safe, making it a good choice for battery-constrained devices.
  • Rust is a systems programming language that can be compiled to WebAssembly, allowing for safe and efficient systems programming.
  • WebAssembly can be used to compile legacy code or to create new applications that can run on the web and other platforms.
  • It’s a great tool for achieving near-native performance in web applications, especially when not doing heavy computations on the server.
  • WebAssembly can be used with or without JavaScript, providing a good option for developers who want to create web applications without JavaScript.
  • WebAssembly is supported by many browsers and can be used with different frontend technologies like Angular, React, or Vue.
  • It’s still a new technology, but it’s gaining traction and has a lot of potential for future development.
  • WebAssembly can be used for tasks that require low-level memory management, like graphics processing or video manipulation.
  • It’s a good option for developers who need to create high-performance, real-time applications.
  • WebAssembly is not a replacement for JavaScript, but rather a complementary technology that can be used to improve the performance of web applications.