Ben McCann | A Tour of the Vite Ecosystem | ViteConf 2023

Explore the Vite ecosystem and discover its cutting-edge features, including code splitting, image optimization, and support for ESM, TypeScript, and Svelte.

Key takeaways
  • Vite’s code splitting and CSS functionality can greatly enhance performance.
  • Vite’s ability to detect and optimize images is impressive, with features like avif and webp support.
  • The Vite ecosystem has a wide range of plugins available, including ones for Tailwind, Storybook, and more.
  • Vite’s support for ESM (ECMAScript modules) allows for efficient and fast development.
  • The use of Vite’s import function can simplify image importation.
  • Vite’s ability to automatically generate hashed file names for optimized images is a time-saver.
  • Vite’s built-in support for post-CSS is a significant advantage.
  • The Vite ecosystem is actively maintained and has a strong community.
  • Vite’s performance is impressive, with the ability to load images in parallel and use HTTP/2 for faster loading.
  • Vite’s support for TypeScript and Svelte is excellent.
  • The use of Vite’s Party Town feature can improve performance by moving scripts to a worker thread.
  • Vite’s integration with Storybook is seamless, allowing for easy component development.
  • Vite’s support for ESM only projects is a major advantage.
  • The Vite ecosystem has a wide range of integrations available, including ones for popular frameworks like SvelteKit.