The Django Admin Is Your Oyster: Let’s Extend Its Functionality with Adrienne Franke - DCUS 2022

Explore how to override models, forms, and templates to extend the Django Admin's functionality, including custom actions, filters, and views, and learn how to optimize performance with prefetching, select_related, and custom database routing.

Key takeaways
  • The Django Admin is a powerful tool, but it can be limited in its functionality by default.
  • Customizing the Admin can be done by overriding models, forms, and templates, which can be done by creating new classes and functions.
  • The Django Admin can be extended to include additional functionality, such as custom actions, filters, and views.
  • Prefetch-related can be used to retrieve related objects in batches, reducing database queries.
  • Select_related can be used to retrieve related objects at the same time as the main object, using a SQL join.
  • Custom database routing can be used to ensure that models stay attached to their original database.
  • The Django debug toolbar can be used to debug performance issues and optimize queries.
  • Forms can be customized to include additional fields, filters, and validation.
  • The Django Admin can be used to create custom views and interfaces for users.
  • Customizing the Admin can be done by creating new classes and functions, and overriding existing ones.
  • The Django Admin can be extended to include additional functionality, such as custom actions and views.
  • The Django Admin can be customized to include additional fields, filters, and validation.
  • The Django Admin can be used to create custom views and interfaces for users, making it more user-friendly.
  • Custom database routing can be used to ensure that models stay attached to their original database, making it more efficient.
  • The Django debug toolbar can be used to debug performance issues and optimize queries, making it more efficient.
  • Forms can be customized to include additional fields, filters, and validation, making it more user-friendly.