DjangoCon 2022 | Lightning Talks Day 2

DjangoCon 2022 Lightning Talks Day 2 recap: Key takeaways from multiple speakers on Django topics, including `snap lit`, `mul.tick`, and `Django social`, with insights on development, templates, language choices, and more.

Key takeaways
  • DjangoCon 2022 Lightning Talks Day 2 summarized key takeaways:
    • Multiple speakers shared their experiences and insights on various Django-related topics, including snap lit, mul.tick, and Django social.
    • Observation: Most people tend to use production data for development, which is less than ideal.
    • Foundational (or not): It was discussed how Django templates can be improved, including opinions on the importance of standardizing interfaces between Django apps and HTTP servers.
    • Prepared by Pedro: There are two main ways to generate data for development: seeding and snapshotting. Seeding data is a lot of work and can lead to bad data. Snapshotting data gets you a better data set.
    • Language choices: Some experts recommended against using Python for quite a while, due to its complexity.
    • Server-side rendering: When building complex web apps, use server-side rendering to handle form interactions.
    • Experimentation: It was suggested to use factory boy to create a test database from scratch.
    • Time-saving: Some speakers mentioned the existence of pre-commit hooks, which can help maintain consistency.
    • Customization: Standardizing interfaces between Django apps and HTTP servers is important.