LeadDev San Francisco 2022 Jem Young

Discover the importance of platform engineering, a team's role in creating scalable solutions, and the balance between innovation and stability in this insightful talk on the 2022 LeadDev San Francisco conference.

Key takeaways
  • Platforms are systems or sets of tools that allow people to build something.
  • They enable people to be more productive and create better experiences.
  • A platform team is responsible for standardizing workflows, supporting developers, and maintaining the technology stack.
  • Standardization is key to scalability and simplifying complexity.
  • A good platform obfuscates underlying complexity so developers don’t have to think about it.
  • Platform engineering is about enablement, not maintenance.
  • It’s about creating a platform that can be used by others to build their own products.
  • Developers have opinions, and a good platform team has to listen to them.
  • Platform teams are not maintenance teams; they’re internal product teams.
  • The arc of progress is slow, and it’s okay to take the time to build something well.
  • Complexities are what drive the world, and it’s uniquely human.
  • A platform team has to account for dependencies, libraries, and APIs.
  • Curated developer experiences are important for making people more productive.
  • A good platform team knows how to say “no” to new features and focus on maintaining what’s already working.
  • Support and maintenance take up a lot more time than you think.
  • Developers are always asking for the latest technology, but a good platform team has to balance this with stability and scalability.
  • The most important aspect of a platform team is thinking about what’s best for the business.
  • Complexity is always going to exist, but it’s how we manage it that matters.
  • A platform is not just a collection of technologies; it’s a company culture.
  • A good platform team is transparent, listens to feedback, and continuously improves.
  • Titus, the container management platform used by Netflix, is an example of a well-designed platform.
  • The best platform engineers are former product engineers who understand what it’s like to be a developer.