RailsConf 2023 - Bridging the Gap: Creating Trust Between Non-Technical... by Kevin Gorham

Learn how to build trust between non-technical stakeholders and technical teams, essential for effective communication and collaboration. Discover the importance of behaviors, metrics, and accountability, and how to demonstrate integrity and consistency.

Key takeaways
  • Trust is important in the workplace because it bridges the gap between non-technical stakeholders and technical teams. It’s essential for reliable and efficient communication, and without it, work can become chaotic and inefficient.
  • Trust is built through behaviors such as demonstrating respect, keeping commitments, being transparent, and acknowledging mistakes. It requires effort and intentionality from individuals to build trust with others.
  • When trust is high, speed and cost are low, and when trust is low, speed and cost are high. This means that trust can have a significant impact on an organization’s productivity and profitability.
  • Understanding what metrics are important to stakeholders and providing those metrics regularly can build trust and demonstrate competence.
  • Transparency and accountability are crucial in building trust. Leaders should model these behaviors and encourage their teams to do the same.
  • Consistency and reliability are key to building trust. Regularly delivering on commitments and communicating changes or delays can help maintain trust.
  • The speaker shares his personal experiences and lessons learned about building trust in the workplace, including the importance of being honest, being congruent, and demonstrating integrity.
  • It’s essential to recognize that trust is a two-way street and can be broken quickly, but it can also be rebuilt over time with effort and consistency.
  • The speaker encourages the audience to reflect on their own behavior and how they can build trust with their stakeholders and team members.