Containerize Microservices With Service Fabric (DeveloperWeek Global 2020)

Containerize microservices with Service Fabric, a platform for building and managing distributed, fault-tolerant systems, enabling secure, scalable, and reliable application deployments.

Key takeaways
  • The importance of containerization in microservices architecture lies in its ability to provide a secure, isolated, and efficient way to deploy and manage applications.
  • Service Fabric is a platform for building and managing microservices-based systems, providing a distributed, fault-tolerant, and highly available architecture.
  • To create a Service Fabric application, you need to create a new project in Visual Studio, choose the Service Fabric template, and author the application code.
  • Service Fabric allows for stateless and stateful services, enabling scalability and reliability.
  • The Service Fabric Explorer is a tool for monitoring and managing Service Fabric applications, providing detailed information on nodes, services, and partitions.
  • Containerization using Docker provides a way to package and deploy applications with their dependencies, without worrying about underlying infrastructure.
  • The transport subsystem in Service Fabric provides communication channels for intra-cluster and inter-cluster communications, allowing for secure and reliable communication between nodes.
  • Microservices architecture allows for independent scaling of services, enabling more efficient use of resources and improved overall system performance.
  • Service Fabric is an open-source project and is used in many Azure infrastructure services, as well as other Microsoft services.
  • The business logic layer in a microservices architecture is responsible for handling application logic, while the data access layer is responsible for accessing and manipulating data.
  • Monitoring and diagnostics are critical to developing, testing, and deploying workloads in any cloud environment.
  • CI/CD pipelines can be integrated with Service Fabric to enable continuous deployment and testing of applications.
  • Service Fabric can be used with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure Container Instances (ACI) to deploy containerized applications.
  • The queen and worker bees in a hive are an analogy for the different roles in a Service Fabric cluster, where each node has a distinct role.