Voxxed Days Ioannina 2024 - Abusing Docker builds with BuildKit and friends

Exploring the power of Docker BuildKit and its allies, including NAS, remote builders, and Docker Build Cloud, to abuse build caching and speed up Docker image creations.

Key takeaways
  • Docker images are packages for container applications and can be cached for faster builds.
  • Docker BuildKit is a fast and efficient builder for Docker and supports local and remote caching.
  • A network access storage (NAS) can be used to share and reuse build caches between team members.
  • A remote builder can be used to offload build processing to a remote server and improve build times.
  • Docker Build Cloud is a cloud-based build service that can be used to further improve build times.
  • Caching can be used to reduce the amount of data that needs to be downloaded during builds.
  • BuildKit can support multiple outputs and stages, making it a powerful tool for complex build processes.
  • Docker images can be reused and cached, reducing the need for frequent downloads.
  • Docker BuildKit can be used to improve build times by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded.
  • Local caching and remote caching can be used together to further improve build times.
  • A NAS can be used to store and share build caches between team members.
  • Docker Build Cloud can be used to offload build processing to a cloud-based service and improve build times.
  • Build times can be further improved by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded during builds.
  • BuildKit can support multiple outputs and stages, making it a powerful tool for complex build processes.
  • Docker images can be reused and cached, reducing the need for frequent downloads.
  • Docker BuildKit can be used to improve build times by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded.
  • Local caching and remote caching can be used together to further improve build times.
  • A NAS can be used to store and share build caches between team members.
  • Docker Build Cloud can be used to offload build processing to a cloud-based service and improve build times.
  • Build times can be further improved by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded during builds.
  • BuildKit can support multiple outputs and stages, making it a powerful tool for complex build processes.
  • Docker images can be reused and cached, reducing the need for frequent downloads.
  • Docker BuildKit can be used to improve build times by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded.
  • Local caching and remote caching can be used together to further improve build times.
  • A NAS can be used to store and share build caches between team members.