Tutorials - Ítalo Epifânio: Write your first package using literate programming

Write your first Python package using literate programming with nbdev, a Jupyter Notebook-based package development tool, and learn how to document, test, and publish your code in a Git-friendly way.

Key takeaways
  • Italo Epifanio’s nbdev: Write your first package using literate programming
    • Jupyter Notebooks can be used to develop Python packages using nbdev
    • nbdev allows publishing Python packages using Git-friendly features
    • Literate programming is a way to document code while writing it
    • Jupyter Notebooks can be used to create documentation and test Python code
    • nbdev uses Deattaxis system for documentation and testing
    • Testing can be run in Jupyter Notebooks using nbdev
    • nbdev provides hooks for package development and maintenance
    • GitHub Actions can be used to automate package development and publishing
    • nbdev and Jupyter Notebooks can be used to create documentation and user manuals
    • Literate programming is a way to tell a story with code
    • Code should be easy to understand and explain
    • nbdev provides a way to create and package Jupyter Notebooks
    • Python code can be used to create Jupyter Notebooks
    • nbdev can be used to create and publish Python packages
    • Literate programming can be used to create documentation and tutorials
    • Jupyter Notebooks can be used to create and publish Python packages
    • nbdev and Jupyter Notebooks can be used to create user manuals and documentation
    • Code should be easy to understand and explain
    • Literate programming can be used to tell a story with code
  • Liliparians can be used to write and then your first package using literate programming
  • Augmentation for learning based on: infrastructure, andispirementational facilitations
  • Alerts manipulationори * Code should be easy to understand and explain
  • Code should be easy to debug
  • Code should be and easy to share with others