Marisa Martín Serrano - Platform teams: Applying Lean practices to reduce their Operational workload

Apply Lean practices to reduce platform team operational workload, identifying waste, prioritizing improvements, and achieving 20% service support reduction through continuous improvement.

Key takeaways
  • Lean practices can be applied to reduce operational workload of platform teams.
  • Identifying value streams and visualising them with a map can help identify waste.
  • The FMEA technique can be used to identify potential failures and prioritize improvements.
  • Reducing service support by 20% through continuous improvement can be achieved.
  • Focus on 20% of the causes that account for 80% of the effects.
  • Platform teams spend most of their capacity on operation tasks.
  • The most impactful actions are those that deliver value to users.
  • Backstage is a powerful tool for platform teams, especially for those with a lot of complexity.
  • Cultural shift is necessary for lean and continuous improvement.
  • Flow and batch sizes are important considerations for continuous improvement.
  • Red flag: not tracking total workload, only considering a subset of work.
  • Pareto principle can help identify most impactful actions.
  • Automation and visualisation are key for continuous improvement.
  • Importance of upstream first thinking in improving processes.
  • Need for a complete understanding of the system before trying to improve it.
  • Red flag: not having a steady flow of value.
  • Importance of taking a proactive approach to improvement.
  • Need for a cultural shift to focus on what is important, not just urgent.
  • Power of the FMEA technique in identifying root causes and prioritizing improvements.
  • Importance of defending against firefighting and creating a culture of continuous improvement.