Tutorials - Olga Matoula, Aya Elsayed: Automate Documentation with Sphinx & GitHub Actions

Automate documentation generation and deployment with Sphinx, GitHub Actions, and Furo. Learn how to create a workflow that runs on every push to your repository, generating HTML documentation, and deploying it to GitHub Pages.

Key takeaways
  • Install Sphinx and Furo for documentation generation and automation.
  • Configure Sphinx to create HTML documentation for your project.
  • Use GitHub Actions to automate documentation generation and deployment.
  • Create a workflow that runs on every push to your repository.
  • Use sphinx-autodocstring to automatically generate docstrings from Python code.
  • Configure the sphinx-multiversion extension to generate documentation for multiple versions of your project.
  • Set up GitHub Pages to host your documentation website.
  • Use actions/directory to create an orphan branch for your documentation website.
  • Configure the sidebar in your documentation to display links to different modules.
  • Set up sphinx-build to generate HTML documentation for your project.
  • Use actions/github-pages to deploy your documentation website to GitHub Pages.
  • Configure the theme of your documentation website using Furo.
  • Set up a workflow that automatically generates and deploys documentation for your project on every push to your repository.
  • Use sphinx-napoleon to generate documentation for your project using docstrings and reStructuredText.