Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning Applications with Open Source Tools

Automate machine learning app development and deployment with open-source tools like DVC and Git. Learn how to orchestrate efficient pipelines, integrate data lakes, and improve model quality with continuous delivery and experimentation best practices.

Key takeaways
  • Automate the entire development and deployment process for machine learning applications
  • Use open-source tools for version control and automation, such as DVC and Git
  • Implement a continuous delivery pipeline for machine learning products
  • Use a data lake as the main infrastructure to store and serve models
  • Version control the data and artifacts using MD5 hashes and Git
  • Automate data integrity checks and data cleaning processes
  • Implement a testing pyramid with unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests
  • Orchestrate all processes with continuous integration and delivery
  • Use a chatbot to automate simple tasks and provide customer support
  • Monitor and observe theproduction system to identify bugs and improve the model
  • Use A/B testing and experimentation to validate model improvements
  • Continuously deliver and deploy new models and features to production
  • Involve cross-functional teams in the development process to ensure collaboration and feedback
  • Implement a culture of continuous delivery and experimentation