#27 International Expansion - (Mission French Tech) Clara Chappaz | Slush 2022

Prepare for international expansion with expert insights from Clara Chappaz, Mission French Tech, and Slush 2022. Learn how to adapt your product, team, and mindset for global success, leveraging French government support and European markets.

Key takeaways
  • Prepare for international expansion early on in a company’s life.
  • France is a good market for international expansion, with its own ecosystem and government support.
  • Timing is important, with consideration given to market opportunity, effort to win, and product fit.
  • To succeed, a company needs a product that can be easily translatable and adaptable to different markets.
  • Embed international ambitions into the company’s product and team from the start.
  • Think beyond translation and consider cultural differences when going international.
  • Building an international team with diverse perspectives is key.
  • Localization is crucial, including language, culture, and regulations.
  • Going international is not just about translating the product, but also adapting to the local environment.
  • It’s essential to find the right partners and communities to support the expansion.
  • Consider acquiring competitors in international markets.
  • Think about financing options and infrastructure needs for international expansion.
  • Companies should prioritize building an international mindset from the start.
  • Building relationships with entrepreneurs and investors from the early stages is important.
  • Timing can be critical, with the earliest starters having an advantage.
  • French companies are increasingly going international, and government support is available.
  • Europe is a hub for international expansion, with the UK, Germany, and Spain being key markets.
  • Consider local talent and the need for adaptability when expanding internationally.
  • Having the right infrastructure and support system is crucial for international expansion.
  • Build partnerships with other companies and communities to facilitate growth.
  • The speaker’s advice is biased towards supporting French Tech and expansion.