Testing Web Applications with Playwright - Debbie O'Brien, TestJS Summit 2022

Discover how to efficiently test web applications with Playwright, covering its benefits, testing with VS Code, CodeGen, cross-browser testing, debugging and more.

Key takeaways
  • Debbie O’Brien is testing web applications with Playwright, highlighting its benefits, such as locating elements by text, role, and label.
  • She uses the VS Code extension to record and run tests, showing how it automatically generates tests and provides a report.
  • CodeGen is introduced as a tool to generate tests by recording actions.
  • Playwright is shown to be able to run tests in different browsers and devices, and to provide a powerful tooling for debugging tests.
  • Debbie uses the timeline to debug tests, showing how it allows for step-by-step debugging and playback of test failed.
  • She emphasizes the importance of using assertions to ensure that tests are failing as expected.
  • Step-by-step debugging is shown in the timeline.
  • She highlights the importance of reading tests and using locators effectively.
  • Playwright is shown to have auto-waiting built-in for actions.
  • She emphasizes the importance of community involvement and provided resources.
  • The session wraps up with a call to action to join the Playwright community.