Tasos Bitsios - The Power of SSE: unidirectional streaming protocol you aren't using - React Live

Discover the power of SSE, a simple and unidirectional streaming protocol for real-time updates, including reconnection and error handling strategies, event sourcing, and more.

Key takeaways
  • SSE (Server-Sent Events) is a simple, unidirectional streaming protocol.
  • It’s not widely used and has some issues, such as reconnection and error handling.
  • SSE can be used for real-time updates, like notifications, and is suitable for small-scale use cases.
  • The eventsource library is recommended for easy use.
  • Trents are recommended for handling reconnecting.
  • The readyState property is important for handling connection management.
  • SSE can be used in a shared worker for event sourcing.
  • Event sources can be named for better handling.
  • Simple, named events and custom data events can be used.
  • The retry field in the event data can be used to set a desired reconnecting time.
  • Error handling is important, with solutions like giving up and not retrying.
  • The heartbeat event can be used for detecting stale connections.
  • Event sourcing can be used for stream processing.
  • The status event can be used for connection management.
  • SSE is compatible with HTTP/2 and WebSockets.
  • The curl command can be used to debug SSE connections.
  • SSE can be used for simple, real-time updates, like those needed for commentary on a sports event.
  • The eventsource library can be used to handle event sourcing with SSE.
  • Trents can be used to implement reconnection strategies.
  • The readyState property is important for handling connection management.
  • SSE can be used with a shared worker and separate endpoints for each event type.
  • Error handling is important and can involve giving up and not retrying.