Not your typical flip to Zoom

Discover how an organization adapted to online classes, addressing mobility issues, flexible teaching styles, and technical challenges, while keeping members engaged and providing valuable recordings.

Key takeaways
  • People with mobility issues, summer homes, and permanently residing in other areas can now participate in online classes.
  • Classes were adapted to Zoom, and instructors had to change their teaching styles to accommodate online teaching.
  • The organization used “conversations with instructors” to offer classes online, with 25 sessions offered in the first year.
  • Breakout rooms were used to manage large class sizes and instructors had to be flexible in their teaching styles.
  • Recordings were made of classes, which became a valuable feature for members.
  • The organization developed protocols to manage large classes, including mute buttons, raised hands, and class assistants.
  • Instructors had to adapt to technical issues, such as poor internet connections and device compatibility.
  • The organization developed a system to automatically record classes and made them available to members.
  • Lipreading was an important consideration in the online classes, and the organization provided ways for members to request assistance with lipreading.
  • The organization is considering how to handle remote connections to physical venues, such as museums and senior centers.
  • The flip to online classes was a significant change for the organization, but it allowed them to continue to operate and provide services to members.
  • The organization has close to 100 volunteers who help with teaching, support, and other tasks.
  • The organization has had to adapt to the needs of its members, including those who may not have had experience with online classes before.
  • The organization has learned a lot about running online classes and is planning for future changes and challenges.
  • The organization is considering how to handle social distancing in classrooms and is planning for potential disruptions in the future.