Devoxx Greece 2024 - Small steps are the fastest way forward by Sander Hoogendoorn

"Discover how small steps can drive success in the software development process, and learn how to overcome common obstacles such as complex systems and fear of risk, with tips on microteams, continuous renovation, agile mindset, and more."

Key takeaways
  • Small steps are the fastest way forward, not big ones.
  • Companies can get stuck due to complex systems, lack of innovation, and fear of risk.
  • Microteams are small groups that can work in a larger collective to build software.
  • Continuous renovation mode helps companies stay flexible and adapt to change.
  • Quality must be built into software, not added later.
  • Estimation is not accurate, and teams should focus on delivering features.
  • Agile is not a process, but a mindset.
  • Feedback is essential for improvement, and teams should have frequent cycles.
  • The less process, the smaller the teams, and the shorter the cycles, the better.
  • Innovation requires experimentation, and companies should reserve time for it.
  • Don’t get stuck in the past; instead, focus on delivering small, working software.